function ScopeMath_FOB %ScopeMath_Arduino a simple oscilloscope for flock of birds % % SCOPEMATH_ARDUINO was derived from SCOPEMATH_SIMPLE. % It displays data from the Analog channels of an Arduino % Unlike other versions of ScopeMath, ScopeMath_Arduino does not use the Instrument Control Toolbox. % % The user has the option to save the data to BrainVision Analyzer Format % You can analyze BrainVision files with EEGLAB, ELEcro, or other tools % % Arduino acquisition code is in startDeviceType1, getDataFromDeviceType1, stopDeviceType1 % Simulated acquisition code is in startDeviceType0, getDataFromDeviceType0, stopDeviceType0 % This makes it easy to add a new deviceType, e.g. startDeviceType2, getDataFromDeviceType2, stopDeviceType2 % % THE ARDUINO MUST BE RUNNING THE SKETCH FROM % % % NOTE: This function requires MATLAB ver. 7.0 or later. % % Derived from ScopeMath_Simple (available on the MATLAB File Exchange) August-21-2007 ( % Version 1.0 March-19-2013 (Chris Rorden) global v v.hzChoices = [100]; %acquisition rate: maximum depends on hardware v.chChoices = [1 2 3]; %number of channels: maximum depends on hardware (Leonardo supports 6, Teensy3 supports 14) v.saveDataDefault = 0; %if 1 data will be saved to disk by default, if 0 data will be discarded v.hzDefaultIndex = 1; %e.g. if 2, 2nd option of HzChoices is the default v.chDefaultIndex = 3; %e.g. if 2, 2nd option of ChChoices is the default v.serDefaultIndex = 0; % 0 for auto-select, 1 for simulated data, 2 for Arduino on port 1, 3 for Arduino on port 3, etc v.gGraphTotalTimeSec = 2.0; %e.g. if 1 then the last 1 second of data is displayed v.OversampleDefault = 1; %device will average 2^N subsamples, for example a 100 Hz recording with supersampling =3 will be based on 800 (2^3 * 100) samples per second v.AutoScaleAxis = false; %Typically no need to edit lines below.... v.gSecPerScreenRefresh = 0.1; %e.g. if 0.1 then screen is updated 10 times per second v.deviceType = 0; %0 for simulated data, 1 for Arduino v.gOscHz = 100; %current sampling rate v.gOscOversample = 0; %current oversampling amount v.gOscChannels = 1; %current number of channels we are recording v.showPower = false; %should we conduct a FFT on recent data? v.gSecPerSample = []; v.gGraphSamples = []; v.xData = []; %time values for samples v.yData = []; %most recent data channels*samples v.gUnsavedData = []; %data not yet saved to disk v.xUnits = 'Sec'; v.yUnits = 'Signal'; v.gSaveNumber = 1; %counts time since last save v.gSaveEveryNRefreshes = 10; %eg. if 10, then we will save to disk every tenth screen update v.gSampleNumber = 1; %only used to determine phase for simulated data v.gSaveDataBaseFilename = []; % v.kBPS = 460800; %baud rate for device % GUI variables v.hFigure = []; v.hAxisRaw = [];%[0 xData(end) -1 1]; v.hAxesRaw = []; v.hAxesMath = []; v.hStartButton = []; v.hTriggerCheck = []; v.hSaveCheck = []; v.hSerialPopup = []; %popup menu lists available serial ports v.hOversamplePopup = []; v.hChannelPopup = []; %popup menu lists available channels to record v.hHzPopup = []; %popup menu lists available sampling rates v.acquiringData = false; %are we currently sampling data? v.serialObj = []; %serial port v.rawData = []; %raw data from device - data that still needs to be decoded into discrete samples % set up a timer to periodically get the data v.timerObj = timer('Period', v.gSecPerScreenRefresh, 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedSpacing', 'timerFcn', {@getDataFromDeviceType}); makeGUI(); %set up user interface %%--------------------------------------------------- function getDataFromDeviceType(hObject, eventdata) global v; switch v.deviceType case 1 [newData] = getDataFromDeviceType1(); otherwise [newData] = getDataFromDeviceType0(); end; %switch deviceType if length(newData) < 1 return end; v.yData = [v.yData newData]; %append new data v.yData = v.yData(:,length(v.yData)-v.gGraphSamples+1:end); if ~isempty(v.gSaveDataBaseFilename) v.gUnsavedData = [v.gUnsavedData newData]; %append new data v.gSaveNumber = v.gSaveNumber + 1; if (v.gSaveNumber > v.gSaveEveryNRefreshes) %flush unsaved data to disk flushSaveDataSub(); end; %if SaveNumber end %if SaveData % check the user closed the window while we were waiting % for the device to return the waveform data if ishandle(v.hFigure), axes(v.hAxesRaw); plot(v.xData,v.yData); if (v.AutoScaleAxis == false) axis(v.hAxisRaw); end; xlabel(v.xUnits); ylabel(v.yUnits); if v.showPower axes(v.hAxesMath); [freq,fftdata] = powerSpectrum(v.xData, v.yData); plot(freq, fftdata); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); end;%showPower end %end getDataFromDeviceType() %%--------------------------------------------------- function [newSamples0] = getDataFromDeviceType0() %create - we create precisely the same number of observations per % screen refresh, so sampling rate may be approximate global v; new = round(v.gOscHz*v.gSecPerScreenRefresh); if (new < 1) new = 1; end for s = 1:new, for c=1:v.gOscChannels, newSamples0(c,s) = sin(30*2*pi*(v.gSecPerSample*(s+v.gSampleNumber)) ) + randn()*0.2; end; end v.gSampleNumber = v.gSampleNumber + new; %end getDataFromDeviceType0() %%--------------------------------------------------- function [newSamples1] = getDataFromDeviceType1() global v; packetBytes = 4 + (2 * (v.gOscChannels-1)); %16-bits data per channel plus 4 bytes header count = packetBytes; if (v.serialObj.BytesAvailable + length(v.rawData) < packetBytes) newSamples1 = []; return; end; [newRawData,count] = fread(v.serialObj,v.serialObj.BytesAvailable,'uchar'); %fprintf('serial bytes: %d new and %d left from previous samples \n', length(newRawData), length(rawData)); v.rawData = [v.rawData; newRawData]; if (length(v.rawData) < 1) return; end; [newSamples1, v.rawData] = serDecodeSub(v.rawData); %end getDataFromDeviceType1() %%--------------------------------------------------- function [freq,fftdata] = powerSpectrum(x,y) n = length(x); Fs = 1/(x(2)-x(1)); freq = ((0:n-1)./n)*Fs; fftdata = 20*log10(abs(fft(y))); idx = 1:floor(length(freq)/2); freq = freq(idx); fftdata = fftdata(idx); %end powerSpectrum() function figureKeyPress(ObjH, EventData) %Powerpoint wireless presenter devices generat pageup/pagedown and hide % global v; if length(EventData.Modifier) == 0 ;%Normal mode; no modifier pressed switch EventData.Key case 'pageup' disp('pup'); case 'pagedown' disp('pdwn'); %to determine other keys otherwise %disp(double(EventData.Key)); end; end;%no modifier Key = get(ObjH, 'CurrentCharacter'); switch Key %case 27 %F5/escape key % disp('escape'); case 46 %monitor hide key startStopCallback(v.hStartButton,[]); disp('hide'); otherwise %disp(double(Key)); %to determine other keys end; %switch deviceType %%--------------------------------------------------- function makeGUI() global v; %v.hFigure = figure('deleteFcn', {@figureCloseCallback},'name',mfilename,'units','pixels','position',[40, 40, 1024, 512]); v.hFigure = figure('deleteFcn', {@figureCloseCallback},'name',mfilename,'units','pixels','position',[40, 40, 1024, 512],'KeyPressFcn', @figureKeyPress); if v.showPower v.hAxesRaw = axes('position', [0.05 0.60 0.9 0.35]); title('Raw Data'); v.hAxesMath = axes('position', [0.05 0.15 0.9 0.35]); title('Processed Data'); else v.hAxesRaw = axes('position', [0.05 0.15 0.9 0.80]); title('Raw Data'); end; v.hStartButton = uicontrol('Style', 'PushButton','String', 'Start Acquisition','units', 'pixels','position', [5 10 100 20],'callback', {@startStopCallback}); v.hSaveCheck = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','units', 'pixels','position', [110 10 80 20],'string','Save Data','Value',v.saveDataDefault); v.hHzText = uicontrol('Style', 'text','units', 'pixels','position', [200 8 20 20],'String', 'Hz:', 'backgroundcol', get(gcf, 'color')); v.hHzPopup = uicontrol('Style', 'popupmenu','units', 'pixels','position', [221 10 80 20],'String', v.hzChoices,'Value' , v.hzDefaultIndex); v.hChannelText = uicontrol('Style', 'text','units', 'pixels','position', [300 8 50 20],'String', 'Channels:', 'backgroundcol', get(gcf, 'color')); v.hChannelPopup = uicontrol('Style', 'popupmenu','units', 'pixels','position', [351 10 70 20],'String', v.chChoices,'Value' , v.chDefaultIndex); v.hOversampleText = uicontrol('Style', 'text','units', 'pixels','position', [420 8 70 20],'String', 'Oversample:', 'backgroundcol', get(gcf, 'color')); v.hOversamplePopup = uicontrol('Style', 'popupmenu','units', 'pixels','position', [485 10 70 20],'String', [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7],'Value' , v.OversampleDefault+1); v.hTriggerCheck = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','units', 'pixels','position', [760 10 80 20],'string','Outputs On','Value',0,'callback', {@triggerCallback}); if (ispc) %provide list of serial ports if (exist('winqueryreg') == 0) %this will always work... ser = cellstr(strvcat('Simulate data', 'COM1', 'COM2', 'COM3', 'COM4', 'COM5', 'COM6', 'COM7', 'COM8')); if v.serDefaultIndex == 0 v.serDefaultIndex = 1; end; else %Below... hopefully this also works %[ok, ser] = system('powershell [System.IO.Ports.SerialPort]::getportnames()'); %<-good in theory, too slow in practice %see devices = winqueryreg('name', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM'); if length(devices) > 0 ser = []; for (d = 1:length(devices)) ser = [winqueryreg('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM', devices{d}), ser ]; end; ser = regexp(ser,'\s','split'); ser = ser(~cellfun(@isempty, ser)); %deblank ser = ['Simulate data', ser ]; else ser = cellstr(strvcat('Simulate data')) end %devices not empty if v.serDefaultIndex == 0 v.serDefaultIndex = length(ser); end; end; else [ok, ser] = system('ls /dev/cu.*'); ser = regexp(ser,'\s','split'); ser = ser(~cellfun(@isempty, ser)); %deblank ser = ['Simulate data', ser ]; if (v.serDefaultIndex == 0) %Arduino/Teensy have names like /dev/cu.usbmodem12341 or /dev/cu.usbmodemfa131, our bluetooth will be named /dev/cu.us922kBT0000 Index = find(not(cellfun('isempty', strfind(ser, 'us')))); if isempty(Index) v.serDefaultIndex = 1; else v.serDefaultIndex = Index(1); %choose first port that matches our search string end; end; %serDefaultIndex = 0 end; %if ispc else if v.serDefaultIndex > length(ser) %user specified a port that does not exist v.serDefaultIndex = length(ser); end; v.hSerialPopup = uicontrol('Style', 'popupmenu','units', 'pixels','position', [560 10 200 20],'String', ser,'Value' , v.serDefaultIndex); set(v.hStartButton, 'callback', {@startStopCallback}); %end %makeGUI() %%--------------------------------------------------- function[OK] = startDeviceType() global v; v.gUnsavedData = []; v.rawData = []; %raw data from device - data that still needs to be decoded into discrete samples %v.newSamples = []; %samples acquired in most recent screen refresh v.gOscHz = v.hzChoices(get(v.hHzPopup,'Value')); v.gOscChannels = v.chChoices(get(v.hChannelPopup,'Value')); v.gOscOversample = v.chChoices(get(v.hOversamplePopup,'Value')); v.gSecPerSample = 1/v.gOscHz; v.gGraphSamples = round(v.gOscHz * v.gGraphTotalTimeSec); v.xData = linspace(0,v.gGraphSamples/v.gOscHz,v.gGraphSamples); v.hAxisRaw = [0 v.xData(end) -1 1]; v.gSampleNumber = 1; if get(v.hSaveCheck,'Value') == 1 v.gSaveDataBaseFilename = saveBrainVisionSub([]); fprintf('Saving data as %s\n',v.gSaveDataBaseFilename); else v.gSaveDataBaseFilename = []; fprintf('Warning: data not being saved to disk\n'); end %if gSaveData if (get(v.hSerialPopup,'Value') == 1) v.deviceType = 0; %simulated data [OK] =startDeviceType0(); else v.deviceType = 1; %arduino list=get(v.hSerialPopup,'String'); val=get(v.hSerialPopup,'Value'); [OK] =startDeviceType1 (list{val}); end; %v.hAxisRaw('auto y'); %v.hAxisRaw(3) = 0; v.hAxisRaw(4) = 0; v.yData = zeros(v.gOscChannels,v.gGraphSamples); %end %startDeviceType() %%--------------------------------------------------- function [OK] = startDeviceType0() %DeviceType 0 = simulated data global v; fprintf('Simulated Data: Recording %d channels at %d Hz\n',v.gOscChannels,v.gOscHz); v.hAxisRaw(3) = -1.5; v.hAxisRaw(4) = 1.5; %simulated signal in range -1..+1 plus noise OK = true; %end %startDeviceType0() %%--------------------------------------------------- function [OK] = startDeviceType1 (DeviceName) %DeviceType 1 = Arduino on serial port % bandwidth = (gOscHz * ((gOscChannels*2)+4)) /(8 * kBPS); %packets are 4 bytes plus 2 bytes per analog channel *8 = 8 bits per byte global v; OK = true; % assume failure to connect if isempty(DeviceName) fprintf('FOB Data: Recording %d channels at %d Hz\n',v.gOscChannels-1,v.gOscHz); else fprintf('FOB Data: Recording %d channels at %d Hz attached to port "%s"\n',v.gOscChannels-1,v.gOscHz,DeviceName); end; %if (strfind(v.serialObj.Status,'open')),fwrite(v.serialObj,[uint8('B')]); pause(0.1); end; %B Point command - p 121 - request single measure, stop streaming fcloseSerialSub(); v.hAxisRaw(3) = -32768; v.hAxisRaw(4) = 32768; %16-bit acquisition data ranges 0..65535 v.serialObj=serDeviceIndexSub (DeviceName); %sec = 0.0; %the Arduino Uno requires a pause of "sec = 1;" and can only support a slow sampling rate (100Hz, 1 channel) %The Teensy2, Teensy3 and Ardino Leonardo do not have these limitations %pause(sec) if v.serialObj.BytesAvailable > 0, model = char(fread(v.serialObj, v.serialObj.BytesAvailable)); end; fwrite(v.serialObj,[79,15]); %get model number pause(0.3) if v.serialObj.BytesAvailable >= 10 model = char(fread(v.serialObj, v.serialObj.BytesAvailable)); fprintf('detected a Ascension device with a device description string of "%s"\n',model); else disp('Warning: is an Ascension device connected? No response to Examine:SystemModelIdentification (79:15)'); end pause(0.350);%wait at least 300ms before autoconfig fwrite(v.serialObj,[241,80,50,1]);%address master: change : auto config : 1 bird pause(0.650); %wait at least 600ms after autoconfig %fwrite(v.serialObj,[80,7,1,86]);%change measurement rate 86.1 Hz %pause(0.1); fwrite(v.serialObj,[uint8('V')]); %send position data [decimal 86] v.rawData = []; %clear raw data from device %END ERROR DETECTION SETION fwrite(v.serialObj,[uint8('@')]); %@ STREAM mode decimal 64 - p 138 - Data records will continue to be sent until the host sends the POINT command %end %startDeviceType1() %%--------------------------------------------------- function stopDeviceType() global v; switch v.deviceType case 1 stopDeviceType1(); otherwise stopDeviceType0(); end %switch deviceType flushSaveDataSub(); %save any residual data to disk fcloseSerialSub(); %end %stopDeviceType() function stopDeviceType0(v) disp('Simulated acquisition halted'); %end %stopDeviceType0() %%--------------------------------------------------- function stopDeviceType1() global v; disp('FOB acquisition halted'); if ~isnumeric(v.serialObj) && isvalid(v.serialObj) fwrite(v.serialObj,[uint8('B')]); %B Point command - p 121 - request single measure, stop stream end; %end %stopDeviceType1() %%--------------------------------------------------- function flushSaveDataSub() global v; if isempty(v.gSaveDataBaseFilename) return; end v.gSaveNumber = 1; saveBrainVisionSub(v.gUnsavedData,v.gOscHz,false, true, v.gSaveDataBaseFilename); v.gUnsavedData = []; %end; %flushSaveDataSub() %%--------------------------------------------------- function triggerCallback(hObject, eventdata) global v; if ~isnumeric(v.serialObj) && isvalid(v.serialObj) %Cmd =[177,163,169,169];% [kCmd1Set kCmd2Mode,kCmd34ModeKey,kCmd34ModeKey]; if get(v.hTriggerCheck,'Value') == 1 fwrite(v.serialObj,127); else fwrite(v.serialObj,0); end; end; %end triggerCallback(); %%--------------------------------------------------- function startStopCallback(hObject, eventdata) global v; if v.acquiringData if strcmp(v.timerObj.running, 'on') stop(v.timerObj); end stopDeviceType; v.acquiringData = false; set(hObject, 'string', 'Start Acquisition'); controlStatus = 'on'; else OK = startDeviceType(); if OK == false return; end; v.acquiringData = true; set(hObject, 'string', 'Stop Acquisition'); controlStatus = 'off'; if strcmp(v.timerObj.running, 'off') start(v.timerObj); end end set(v.hSaveCheck,'Enable',controlStatus); set(v.hSerialPopup,'Enable',controlStatus); set(v.hOversamplePopup,'Enable',controlStatus); set(v.hChannelPopup,'Enable',controlStatus); set(v.hHzPopup,'Enable',controlStatus); %end %startStopCallback() %%--------------------------------------------------- function figureCloseCallback(hObject, eventdata) global v; cleanupObjects(); %end %figureCloseCallback() %%--------------------------------------------------- function cleanupObjects() global v; if isvalid(v.timerObj) stop(v.timerObj); delete(v.timerObj); end fcloseSerialSub(); if ishandle(v.hFigure), delete(v.hFigure); end %end %cleanupObjects() %%--------------------------------------------------- function fcloseSerialSub() global v; if ~isnumeric(v.serialObj) && isvalid(v.serialObj) if (v.serialObj.BytesAvailable > 0) fread(v.serialObj, v.serialObj.BytesAvailable); %flush buffer end; fwrite(v.serialObj,[uint8('B')]); %B Point command - p 121 - request single measure, stop stream fclose(v.serialObj); delete(v.serialObj); disp('closed serial port'); end %end %fcloseSerialSub() %%--------------------------------------------------- function [theSamples, rawResidual] =serDecodeSub(rawData) global v; theSamples =[]; len = length(rawData); samples = 0; packetBytes = 6; %16-bits data per channel plus 4 bytes header i = 1; while (i <= (len-(packetBytes-1))) if (rawData(i) > 127) && (rawData(i+2) < 128) && (rawData(i+4) < 128) samples = samples + 1; for j=1:(v.gOscChannels) lo = rawData(i+(j*2)-2); hi = bitand(rawData(i+(j*2)-1),127); % s = int16(32000); % b = typecast(s,'uint8'); %b(1)=lowByte, b(2)=highByte % hi = bitshift(b(2),-1); % lo = bitshift(bitand(b(2),1),+6)+ bitshift(b(1),-2); dx = bitshift(double(hi),9) + bitshift(double(lo),2) ; ux = uint16(dx); sx = typecast(ux,'int16'); theSamples(j,samples) = sx ; end; i = i + packetBytes; OKpos = i - 1; else i = i + 1; end end; if (OKpos < len) %We need to retain left over bytes. Consider if the serial port transfers blocks of 512 bytes, but the expected packet %sise is 6 bytes, there will always be left over bytes %fprintf(' residual bytes: decoded %d of %d bytes (packet size %d)\n', OKpos,len,packetBytes ); rawResidual = rawData((OKpos+1):end); else rawResidual = []; %fprintf('Perfect decoding\n'); end; %length(newSamples); %if (pos < len) % fprintf('partial transfer pos %d len %d packetBytes %d residual %d precision %d\n',pos, len, packetBytes, length(rawResidual), is16bit); %end; %end; % serDecodeSub() %%--------------------------------------------------- function ser=serDeviceIndexSub(DeviceName) if ~nargin || isempty(DeviceName) if (ispc) DeviceName = 'COM2'; else %DeviceName = '/dev/tty.usbmodem12341'; DeviceName = '/dev/cu.usbmodem12341'; end; end; %DeviceName not specified if (ispc) fprintf('Assuming device is named "%s", use the Device Manager to show active ports.\n', DeviceName); else fprintf('Assuming device is named "%s", available port names are\n', DeviceName); system('ls /dev/cu.*'); end; %ser = serial(DeviceName,'InputBufferSize',16384,'BaudRate',115200);% <-set large buffer, UNO very specifc about baud rate - others adaptable %ser = serial(DeviceName,'InputBufferSize',16384); ser = serial(DeviceName,'InputBufferSize',16384,'BaudRate',115200);%most reliable to set correct BPS - helps if device is already running at high speeds fopen(ser); %end % SerDeviceIndexSub() %%--------------------------------------------------- function [baseFilename] = saveBrainVisionSub(data,sampleRateHz,finalChannelDigital, appendData, filename) %save data in BrainVisionAnalyzer format % data : an array with channels*samples of data % sampleRateHz : sampling rate in Hz, e.g. if 10ms per sample then 100 Hz % finalChannelDigital : often last channel is digital data (codes conditions or button presses) % appendData : if true, and filename.eeg exists new data will be added to existing data % filename : [optional] base name of file, e.g. ~/dir/f1 will create files ~/dir/f1.vhdr and ~/dir/f1.eeg %EXAMPLE % samplingRateHz = 100; % time = [1/samplingRateHz:1/samplingRateHz:1]; %one second of data % freqHz1 =2.0; % data(1,:) = sin(2*pi*freqHz1*time); % freqHz2 =10.0; % data(2,:) = sin(2*pi*freqHz2*time); % plot(time,data) % samples = length(data(1,:)) % channels = length(data(:,1)) % basename = saveBrainVision(data,samplingRateHz); % %to append more data to this file % saveBrainVision(data,samplingRateHz,false,true,basename); %FORMAT DETAILS % see "Brain Vision Analyzer OLE Automation Reference Manual Version 1.05" % if ~exist('filename','var') baseFilename = [pwd filesep datestr(now,'yymmdd_HHMMSS')]; else baseFilename = filename; %[pth,nam,ext] = fileparts(filename); %baseFilename = [pth filesep nam]; %<- option: strip file extension end; if (~exist('sampleRateHz','var') || (sampleRateHz == 0)) sampleRateHz = 1000; fprintf('%s warning: assuming %dHz sampling rate\n', mfilename,sampleRateHz); end; if ~exist('finalChannelDigital','var') finalChannelDigital = false; end; if ~exist('appendData','var') appendData = false; end; VECTORIZED = false; %Warning: vectorized data storage incompatible with appending data if (length(data) < 1) %note: user can call this function with data=[] to get basefilename for future appends... %fprintf('%s warning: no data to save\n', mfilename); return; end; samples = length(data(1,:)); channels = length(data(:,1)); headerFilename = [baseFilename '.vhdr']; dataFilename = [baseFilename '.eeg']; prevSamples = 0; if ((appendData) && (exist(dataFilename) ) ) fileInfo = dir(dataFilename); fileSize = fileInfo.bytes; if (mod(fileSize,(channels*4)) ~= 0) % singles are 4 bytes each fprintf('%s warning: unable to append data to %s - filesize should be evenly disible by channels*4 (size of single)\n', mfilename,dataFilename); return; end; prevSamples = fileSize/(channels*4); % singles are 4 bytes each %fprintf(' Appending to %s with %d samples \n',dataFilename, prevSamples); end %next: write header file f = fopen(headerFilename,'w'); %overwrite existing header fprintf(f, 'Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File Version 1.0\n'); fprintf(f, '; Data created by Matlab script %s\n',mfilename); fprintf(f, '[Common Infos]\n'); [PTH,NAM,EXT] = fileparts(dataFilename); fprintf(f, 'DataFile=%s\n',[NAM, EXT]); %remove path from name or EEGLAB gets upset fprintf(f, 'DataFormat=BINARY\n'); if VECTORIZED fprintf(f, 'DataOrientation=VECTORIZED\n'); else fprintf(f, 'DataOrientation=MULTIPLEXED\n'); end; fprintf(f, 'DataType=TIMEDOMAIN\n'); fprintf(f, 'NumberOfChannels=%d\n',channels); fprintf(f, 'SamplingInterval=%f\n',1000000/sampleRateHz); % SamplingInterval: Resolution in microseconds for data in the time domain and in hertz for data in the frequency domain. fprintf(f, 'DataPoints=%d\n',samples+prevSamples); fprintf(f, '[Binary Infos]\n'); fprintf(f, 'BinaryFormat=IEEE_FLOAT_32\n'); fprintf(f, '[Channel Infos]\n'); for c=1:channels, if (finalChannelDigital) && (c == channels) fprintf(f, 'Ch%d=%d,,1,Digital\n',c,c); else fprintf(f, 'Ch%d=%d,,1,µV\n',c,c); end end %for each channel fclose(f); %next: write data file if (prevSamples > 0) %append f = fopen(dataFilename,'a','ieee-le'); %overwrite existing header else f = fopen(dataFilename,'w','ieee-le'); %overwrite existing header end; if VECTORIZED fwrite(f, data', 'single'); %precision must match header "BinaryFormat" else fwrite(f, data, 'single'); %precision must match header "BinaryFormat" end fclose(f); %end % saveBrainVisionSub()